The bidding schedule

Still moving forward! We spent two months working through design changes with our partners to keep our project within budget. Our construction manager, BHI, has now issued the subcontractor bidding schedule for Riverton’s upcoming full-service hospital. Bidding opened on August 27th and closed on September 17th. Contact us for more information.

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The hospital site

The land for the hospital has been purchased in the Eastern Shoshone Business Park. Curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and pavement are in already, with more work to be done soon.

The building plans

Our beautiful new hospital has been designed by Erdman, our architectural and engineering firm. We are grateful for the expertise of Billings Clinic as we have planned together for the following areas in our building: surgery, labor & delivery, patient rooms, ICU, emergency department, radiology, laboratory, pharmacy, and clinic.

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